
Last night, the Mayor of Portland joined the protesters in the streets of the city and was teargassed by “federal law enforcement” deployed by the President.  Here’s a antss蚂蚁加速官网 - 好看123:2021-6-10 · 1.antss蚂蚁加速 点击前往 网站介绍:版国外免费ss节点极速 加速器 i7加速器官网兔子破解版 shadowrocket安卓地址破解版vp n 极迅加速器猎豹加速器下载 surf安卓破解版 i7器官网猎豹加速加速器… with video of the night and here’s 如何伪装自己的IP地址?兔子软伀IP企理轻松搞定 - 天使嫁衣 ...:2021-11-3 · 如何伪装自己的IP地址?IP企理轻松搞定!随着互联网的普及,人伀每天都在和网络打交道。我伀都知道,上网是需要使用IP地址的否则无法上网,即使是使用无线网络,也是需要分配IP地址才能连接上网的。若是你有留意连... who has been out every night documenting the protests.

As the videos clearly show, the crowds in the streets are diverse, including a “wall of moms” and dads with leafblowers who have been trying to clear the air of teargas.  Moreover, there’s no evidence that these federal enforcers who have been shooting teargas and rubber bullets at the crowds, and beating protesters with batons have reduced the size of the protest.  In fact, based on video footage that is circulating on social media, the numbers have grown substantially.

The President has announced that he is sending these same forces to other cities to “enforce the law.”  As of last night,  “about 200 federal agents, drawn from across the Justice Department” are being deployed in Chicago and Albuquerque.  Based on what we’ve seen in Portland, citizens in the cities will respond to being attacked by law enforcement with confrontation (like walls of moms) and aggressive tactics (like sending teargas canisters back to the source with blowers or even hockey sticks).  In Washington, DC, a number of groups are calling for a march in solidarity with Portland on Saturday.

Given the mounting evidence that this type of federal law enforcement in US cities will escalate the violence and the crowds, one has to wonder what, exactly, is the end goal?